Our Projects

The projects supported and implemented by Ri-Diamo Onlus can be divided into two main categories. The first category consists mainly of aid made in the form of donations in order to counteract and resolve contingent situations of difficulty and need.
In addition to supporting these projects, Ri-Diamo Onlus is increasingly directing its efforts – not only financially, but also in terms of conception and implementation – to projects aimed at helping children and young people who are in different situations of difficulty.

Santa Lucia Basket

RiDiamo together with Santa Lucia Basket helping to support sports activities for young disabled people.


RiDiamo supported the Donne all’Opera project to say no to violence against women.

Covid-19 Emergency

We are helping hospitals at this difficult time during the health emergency.

Esploratori (Explorers)

For the ninth year in a row, we are carrying on and developing a project that we co-designed and fully financed (with the Italian Down Syndrome Association)

Eye health

Our collaboration with SightSavers, one of the world’s most famous charities, sponsored by Queen Elizabeth, continues in 2020. We are giving...

Corso di Italiano (Italian Language Course)

For the third consecutive year, we have sponsored, as sole sponsor, a project aimed at welcoming and integrating foreign minors who arrived...

Forget NBA!

Once again this year, we have provided financial support to these brave boys who compete in wheelchair basketball. We met the...

Sergio Maiorano Onlus

As sole sponsor, we financed the holidays of a group of severely disabled children. We gave a few hours of happiness to children with...


We have allocated an important donation to fund an educational program to promote healthy living and HIV prevention behaviour among adolescents and pre-adolescents...

Punti luce

With Save the Children we financed activities for children with serious problems in the “punti luce” in Rome, which are creative and educational hubs for children.

Emergenza sorrisi (Smiles emergency)

We help these amazing surgeons who travel around the world to save children with facial deformities caused by burns (from war, illness or accidents) giving them their smile back.

L’Aquila Earthquake

Aid for the people affected by the earthquake in L'Aquila.

Family reunions

Support for the reunification of a non-EU family affected by the loss of their child.

Parish in Vulture

Donation in favour of the Parish of Santissimo Sacramento di Rionero in Vulture, which is in a severe state of need.

“Amore che peccato!” (“What a pity, love!”)

Organisation and production of a charity show at the Quirino Theatre in Rome, in support of a kindergarten in Peru.

“Condominio Occidentale”

We joined the “Condominio Occidentale” project of TeArca Onlus for the production of a show performed by visually impaired people.

Un brutto t1po (A bad t1pe)

We contributed to support research for the treatment of type 1 diabetes by collaborating with the non-profit organisation SOStegno 70, founded in Italy in 2001 to support …

“Musica libera tutti” (“Music makes everyone free”)

We supported a project called Musica libera tutti (Music makes everyone free), which started in 2011 in Scampia, a neighbourhood on the northern outskirts of Naples. The project...

Surpass Project

Let's help children who have overcome cancer to defeat it and overcome it for good, t!! We fund treatment for children in...


As sole sponsor we sponsored this wonderful project. It was developed by some doctors from the Bambin Gesù Hospital in Rome, managers of Oracle and...

Paguri Onlus and Bambin Gesù

We made donations to alleviate the suffering of children with cancer. How nice it is to see them smile sometimes!

Ronda della solidarietà

It is a non-profit organisation that deals with direct volunteers helping people in need living on the streets, providing them with basic necessities. We allocated money...

Aziza Place

We helped a very active non-profit organisation in Cambodia that helps children in need.

Bulli Stop

We support this association in their initiatives to help disabled children who are bullied at school.

Canteen for the poor

Support for the canteen for the poor run by Ramo Onlus.

Haiti Earthquake

Donation in favour of the Francesca Rava Foundation to help the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.

Care home

Donation in favour of the Casa Blu (home for disabled children without family support).

Support for children in hospital

Contribution to the Fondazione Theodora Onlus for the training and support of clowns who assist children hospitalised for long periods.

Sport and hospitality in the Parish of San Tommaso Moro

In the Parish of San Tommaso Moro in Rome (San Lorenzo area) we contributed to the building of sports facilities and a hostel for parents of children in hospital.