What We Do

The purpose of the charity is to carry out charitable activities in favour of people and institutions in difficulty, both through donations of money (which is collected through transparent and targeted fundraising activities) and through direct volunteering activities.

After an initial period of diversified aid (mostly in the form of donations) aimed at resolving contingent situations of difficulty, need and emergencies which were brought to the attention of the charity , it decided to choose a specific charitable mission to work on predominantly, though not exclusively. Ri-Diamo Onlus has in fact chosen to direct most of its aid to children and young people in need.


After exploring the field of voluntary work in Italy, we discovered realities in need that we didn’t know existed, and also met people ready to help without expecting anything in return.
Let’s think, for example, about some family homes for visually impaired children or children with serious illnesses who have no family support, or the Italian Down Syndrome Association with which Ri-Diamo Onlus is carrying out projects in areas of sport that will soon extend to music and theatre.


Ri-Diamo Onlus has resolved to carry out projects worth approximately 50,000 Euros, and is increasing its activity thanks to a transparent and cost-free structure (except for accounting and legal costs). Those who work for our charity do so on a voluntary basis and free of charge, and the charity itself benefits from logistic and structural efficiencies thanks to the generosity of the law firm Legance, which is one of its founding members. This allows the distribution of all donations that the charity receives in favour of the charities projects, while also guaranteeing maximum transparency. The projects are selected with great care and after thorough evalution, to provide the best guarantees of transparency and seriousness of the interests pursued (especially to donors and partners).